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Fascinating Websites

On my average day I doubt I go to more than ~10 unique websites. YouTube, Google, Wikipedia, DuckDuckGo, etc. are my personal staples. Once in a while you'll venture into the great unknown that is the infinite internet and find a complete gem of a website. Maybe it gives truly useful information, maybe it looks like a project that took thousands of hours to do a useless task, or maybe it's just interesting.

With that said, here's my list of website gems:

Mapping the quickest path between Aerospace Engineering and Banana

Sixdegreesofwikipedia takes an input of any two wikipedia pages - a starting page and an ending page. It will then go through every link on your starting page, and every link on every page linked from the starting page, and keeps repeating that until it links back to your end page.

For instance, in the Aerospace Engineering wikipedia page there's a link on that page to Engineering, and the Engineering wikipedia page has a link to the History of Africa, which then has a link to Banana. Thus, there were three degrees of separation between Aerospace Engineering and Banana.

Falstad simulating a Buck-Boost Simulator, found in it's library of default circuits

Falstad is an absolutely incredible website. A pure joy to use. Absolutely no advertisements, no shop links, powerful, easy to use, and to top it off, allows custom keybindings. Well Max, what is Falstad? Falstad is a completely free circuit simulation website that requires no downloads. It can be used to verify many homework answers for electrical engineering as well as a truly useful engineering tool. I would have expected this website to be a ~500$ package requiring university logins and to only work on a Windows computer. Even if you're not in electrical engineering it is fun to play around with and check your understand of circuits. Bonus points for providing graphs.

WebMo calculated the bond angles and 3D geometry of a skeletal structure of Ibuprofen

Note: WebMo requries a login - Username: guest, Password: guest

If you haven't dabbled in chemistry, this may not be the most interesting website out there. However, during my time getting my Chemistry minor, I realized this is a really interesting tool.

Given a simple chemical structure it will calculated 3D geometry, electrostatic potential, electron density, the wavelengths the molecule would absorb light at, expected fragmentation of the molecule when bombarded with electrons, and hundreds of other properties.

The first image is a very basic chemical structure. I told WebMo to calculate the idealized 3D geometry, which you can see in the second photo. Note the ring in the middle. I also had it calculate electrostatic potential in the third photo to show an incredibly small slice of it's abilities.

Honorable Mentions

Integral Calculator: Gives the method of solving integrals without requiring a subscription

Symbolab: Calculates many high level mathematical topics, however requires a subscription for explanations.

Desmos: A beautiful online graphing calculator.

Utilware: A great website with fun stories

Xefer: A graphical representation of the wikipedia game to find philosophy. Read more here: Getting-to-Philosophy ( wikipedia link )

Thanks for reading!

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